Reason to start blogging..

Welcome to My Beadialogy!

I may not write in excellent English but I do love to SHARE my opinions, what inspired me, adding my points of view in fashion, style, designs, photography, life, and my handmade fashion jewelries here with people that TRULY interested in the same topics like I do.

I believe in visuals, so I display as many photos as possible to my posts. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lazy me

I know today I have tons of errands to be settle...
clean my apartment means vacuum and dusting,
wipe all glass mirrors, tables, glass doors,
yeah... clean all fans,
as usual take care of my doggies' daily needs...
and OOOH my laundry,
tidy up my wardrobe....
clean up my work area,
design and settle another 2 sets of accessories... deadline tomorrow noon!!!
the headgear... awaits me and

myself... weekly scrub and exfoliating, mask, body scrub, moisturing etc...
my nails... needs new polish...
and my blog needs updating....

How I wish I have magic!!!

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