Reason to start blogging..

Welcome to My Beadialogy!

I may not write in excellent English but I do love to SHARE my opinions, what inspired me, adding my points of view in fashion, style, designs, photography, life, and my handmade fashion jewelries here with people that TRULY interested in the same topics like I do.

I believe in visuals, so I display as many photos as possible to my posts. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Headgear work in progress Part V

Now to start constructing the lower layer petals...

Here's a completed one... Seems too much space in between each bead strapes..
Messy wires... sometime hit my face when I was not awared
Curve a completed petals into the shape of a flower petal...
Now prepare to attach the two upper and middle layer... by inserting another hard wire into the other rim, attached the readied eyepin from the upper layers..
Firmly tie again using stainless steel art wire...

There... finally staked up 3 layers together..
I'm now only 80% done...
Still need to...
1. attach the veil behind the headgear and
2. the bottom dangling bead drops for a complete decorations.
3. to find a box to fit this headgear
4. prepare my bill and delivery!!!

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