Reason to start blogging..

Welcome to My Beadialogy!

I may not write in excellent English but I do love to SHARE my opinions, what inspired me, adding my points of view in fashion, style, designs, photography, life, and my handmade fashion jewelries here with people that TRULY interested in the same topics like I do.

I believe in visuals, so I display as many photos as possible to my posts. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Improvising Jane

I've so busy lately and forgot about updating Jane in this blog until a friend called on Saturday and reminded me.

p.s. Thanks so much for interested in Jane, and also your mental support... Phoena dear, I'll work harder!

My partner, Intan also totally tied up with her work lately and we have not been meeting up working on Jane after I came back from China.
Well, here a pix of Jane which i tried to improve from a simple sketch using Photobucket.
I tried to correct and clean up the lines and added colors to make her look prettier.
Still, a dummy as I am, my work is slow!

Then I spent about a couple of hours in front of my laptop and here's how Jane looked like after I cleaned her up.
I love her eyes and hairstyle.Well, she now can have Watever color of hair, eyes and lip... even skin tone!
I'm loving it!!!!
We have talked about making Jane in all different races and even an alien!
Should Jane have a body?
How about having a pet?
Would her body be slim or sexy or....
well we still need a lot of work on all these!

... to be continue!


Phi said...

yay... new pix of Jane Whatever!!!

The first hairstyle looks better, the second one looks too much like an 'angmo' which maybe it's not so relevant to some ppl. In my opinion, yes Jane should have a body, she looks like she should be super slim with flat chest, but I don't think that's quite proper though (don't want ppl to refer her as anorexia), maybe should work that a bit further. Yes she should have a pet!!! A dog!!! A Chiwawa maybe? I thought about Chiwawa is because Chiwawa is those species that you either love it or hate it, and when ppl hates it, Jane would say, 'Ya, whatever!' haha..


Veron said...

the hair style on the 1st one is very messy and it's not easy if we wanna do silk screen printings, tatz y we clean up the lines...
but the hair color can be change into green, brown black or even purple...
mmm... will work out her body!
thanks friend!