Reason to start blogging..

Welcome to My Beadialogy!

I may not write in excellent English but I do love to SHARE my opinions, what inspired me, adding my points of view in fashion, style, designs, photography, life, and my handmade fashion jewelries here with people that TRULY interested in the same topics like I do.

I believe in visuals, so I display as many photos as possible to my posts. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Upcoming designs for Dec, 2008 (part 1)

Here are some of the sets that will be available at The Mod House outlet by December, 2008.

1. This is Jane set - using flat round shell beads and nickel metal connector.

This two necklace is named Brenda, using faceted crystal beads in silver and black color.
** consider limited edition because i only make 2 pieces each color.

3. Barbra set.
using a combinations of black rhinestone balls, teardrop shape faceted crystal beads and nickel pendants.

4. Teresa set, another black and clear beads combinations of different shapes beads

5. Isabelle set.

Nickel chains and findings with donut shape faceted cut crystals.

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