Reason to start blogging..

Welcome to My Beadialogy!

I may not write in excellent English but I do love to SHARE my opinions, what inspired me, adding my points of view in fashion, style, designs, photography, life, and my handmade fashion jewelries here with people that TRULY interested in the same topics like I do.

I believe in visuals, so I display as many photos as possible to my posts. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Some rejected design..

I had design more than 30sets of fashion jeweleries for the brand that i just joined.
Here are the ones that they didn't choose for their up coming outlet..
which i think i like...:(

this is Named " Venus" I love the combination of gold and antique gold color..
wouldn't this perfect for Christmas?
Is this piece"too heavy"?
This one I named it "Ann"...would goes with any outfit from casual to even clubbing!

This set is named "Even at night"
I love the mixed beads and tassels..
would goes well with any low cut evening dress!

I'm now start designing another range for the Christmas!

1 comment:

ariani said...

I do like your "Venus" but I guess it's too 'vintage' for the majority buyers.

Ever thought of designing bag charms or christmas ornaments ?